To build creative healthy communities through partnership collaboration and the practice of community-centered arts in health programs that cultivate sustainable opportunities for creative engagement, socialization and change.
Creativity + Socialization = Wellness
Director Lisa Swanson a ceramic artist and art teacher for three decades holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art and a Master’s Degree in Arts in Medicine from the University of Florida. LIsa, May of 2018, became a graduate of the Arizona Arts Commission’ second AZ Creative Aging Teaching Artist Institute: https://azarts.gov/az-creative-aging/teaching-artists/
As a teaching artist, Lisa’s passion for teaching comes from inspiring individuals to discover their zeal for creativity and to facilitate artistic meaningful creative experiences. She aspires to develop a nurturing environment that builds trust and safety for participants to freely engage, cultivate and communicate their personal creative expression. Her goal is to empower participants by creating collaborative process-based sequential art sessions that continue to evolve as everyone explores materials, process and ideas together. Lisa is committed to the importance of arts in health programming as an intervention for fostering personal creative expression, social inclusion and enhancing an individual’s overall quality of life.
The Arts n’ Meals program is highlighted in the 2nd half of this USAging video.
Art and community go together for artist behind underpass artwork